
Green Goddess Baby Wipe Solution


Once your baby’s skin barrier has developed after 4-6 weeks you may want to use this natural wipe solution when cleansing baby’s delicate areas.


Once your baby’s skin barrier has developed after 4-6 weeks you may want to use this natural wipe solution when cleansing baby’s delicate areas. It contains low-risk, low-allergen ingredients. Whilst we advocate for water only when cleansing your baby. If you do want to use something else this is the BEST option available.
Rosewater is a wonderful antiseptic and anti-bacterial and has been sourced from a New Zealand supplier who adds no preservatives. Witchhazel is antiseptic and soothing for inflamed skin, and Green Goddess source a variety without added preservatives.
This product is created with natural ingredients and handmade in New Zealand.


Each 500ml bottle contains nothing but water, preservative-free witchhazel and preservative-free rosewater. Handmade in NZ by Green Goddess (previously Wendyls) it is packaged in a BPA free recyclable bottle.

Simply apply a small amount to your dry wipe or cloth then use for cleansing your baby’s delicate areas . This is wonderful as a refreshing face or hand cleanser as well.